Tuesday 21 March 2017

Reflection Paper in E-TECH SUBJECT

At first,when I heard Empowerment Technology I think it is a hard subject to be learn. But when my teacher introduce to us what are the componentsandobjective of thissubjectIam eagertolearnandtoknow more it's because this subjecft can help me to be safe and protected especially in present while using social networks and anything related to technology. Although technology is familiar for me, but there are some information that i need to know and understand. In prelim lessons, ICT, Internet, Worl Wide Web, Web pages, Website, Web browser, Static web, Dynamic web are familiar words for me, but when my teachjer explain it to us and understand to us what is the meaning of those words I become a knowledgable person especially I am also accessing on internet. What are the key feature of Web 2.0? My teacher asked me,  it's not familiarfamiliar for me but but when my teacher explained to us,  now I know what are those things.  I know also what are the problems in 3.0 include the compatibility, security, vagueness, vastness and logic. There are such thing in technology that we mist learn it's because those thing can help us.  I also know what are the types of social media. Yes! Social media is familiar for me where social networks,  bookmarking site, social news, media sharing, microblogging, Blogs and Forums belong in social media.  Knowing this kind of things provide us learning and information which  can be applied in our daily lives.  
I also learned in this subject what are the trend in ICT such us mobile technologies is familiar words to me but I don't know what are the things involved in this term.  Mobile OS,  I don't know this word or term but now I know when my teacher discussed it. We have different operating system in our mobiles, which are the IOS for iPhones and apple devices, Android Blackberry, Windows Phone OS. Symbiam which used by Nokia devices, Web OS which used in smart phones and smar TVs  and Windows Mobile.  Online safety and Security becomes also a lesson in our subject, where I can relate it in my life,  especially I am a number one user of Facebook,  what are the dos and don't to be shared on media. Think before you click!  A word that should I learn on how to be safe and protect my reputation online.  Protecting our reputation online is the most important thing, because what you post online protect you,  who you are and what kind of person you are.
I also learned what are the different Internet threats in technology, there are three types which ate Malware, Spam and Phishing. In Malware there are Five term included or members which are the Virus Worm, Trojan, Spyware and Aware. Although it's familiar to me but it expanded my learning when I know why this malicious software happen and how this things happens.  I also learned what is copyright infringement, intellectual property includes trademark, copyright and industrial design.  I alearned also what are the tips to avoid copyright, it's become helpful because of those tips, understand be responsible, be creative and knowing the Law.
Finals topic is what the topic I learned the most,  because those topics becomes my guidance to be a knowledgeable person. Online platforms as tools for ICT Content Development is now applied in our daily live, presentation software, cloud computing, social networking, websites builder and webmap service which is very useful at present time. Our teachers gave us projects online where it can help in our skills on how to be with the internet and what are the good purpose of having social media in this world. Making blog is jot easy but it can help me to understand more the importance of this subject which is Empowerment Technology. Empowerment technology is a good subject to be expanded because it can help billions of people into this world on how to be safe and better person. 

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