Wednesday 15 March 2017


Image result for role of ict during edsa dos
The EDSA Revolution of 2001, also called by the local media as EDSA II (pronounced as Edsa dos) or the Second People Power Revolution, is the common name of the four-day popular revolution that peacefully overthrew Philippine President Joseph Estrada in January 2001. He was succeeded by his then vice president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
On January 17,2001,the impeachment trial of President Estrada moved to the investigation.

Technology has played a crucial role in EDSA (people power revolution) the mobile phone served as the symbol of People Power II Evolution in the Philippines. Also, the most lasting image of Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s new presidency has, was when she was asked in a news conference, if Lt. Gen. Espinosa was planing a coup, and not knowing the answer, she directly called him using her mobile phone. After the brief conversation they had, she knew that Lt. Gen Espinosa isn’t planning a coupThe adaption of different technologies, particulary internet and mobile phones is staggering. At the same time, the technologies continue to upgrage. This continuous advances are spreading widely, making it possible to share informations and organize political action easily..

 The use of mobile phones for texting rather than calling was intriguing at that time. It akso served as the reason of People Power II evolution’s success. But even if technology played a crucial role at that time, people haven’t drawn a lot of attention to it. People Power II was arguably the world’s first EDSA-Revolution’s change of government, brought by new form of ICTs (Information and Communications Technology).Modern ICTs facilitated and helped in ensuring that our country, the Philippines was the first location of political revolution. In the week of People Power II itself, there were 70 million text messages handled by Philippine Mobile. It was then reported by Reuters that technology is literally putting the power in Filipino peoples’ hand. .Image result for EDSA 2

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